Saturday, November 04, 2006

I'm SO sorry. Its been awhile, and I've a load of great pictures. Quick summary: Since my last posting, Sue and Ray (Paul's folks) came out, we had an anniversary, went to the European Ball, spent a weekend at Taroko gorge, flew to Hong Kong over Mid-winter festival with Sue and Ray, had halloween, my 40th birthday, and a few days bicycling at the nearby park.

We spent our anniversary like most days, but then went to the European ball on the first weekend that Sue and Ray were here. A real ball. Our friend Imogen invited us. The other people at the table were fabulous, and the band played blues and jazz. We did spend a wonderful evening eating, drinking, and (both of us) dancing until it closed down. I think the party was over around midnight or one. We are scheduled to go to the scottish ball soon - it is to be a Kayley - the "carriages" will be taking people home at 4 am... I assume we'll be home by then!

Taroko gorge was fabulous. Pictures soon, really. We stayed at a place called leader village with great cabins. (Ray and Sue had a few large creepy crawly visitors!), but they seemed mostly clean and well appointed for cabins. Sam and I hiked a trail where tapping sticks were strongly recommended so that the poisonous snakes would be frightened away! Sue and the kids and I did a small hike, we ate traditional hakka food (wild pig and fern fronds), got up, had a breakfast buffet edible for all, and had a great tour with Sam (tour guide's name). We'll recommend him to anyone. He speaks chinese, english, and enough Japanese to do a tour he says. We saw beautiful temples, fabulous rocks, amazingly frightening hikes, and gorgeous waterfalls. And the drive out there was SCARY. The trucks take the hair pin turns on any side they can get. We'll fly/take the train next time!

Hong Kong was hong kong again. Disneyland sounded a bit mild - we were expecting large crowds, but it was fairly crowd free. Ray, Sue, Jessi, and Sam had the opportunity to be in the parade at 1:00, but chose to stay and watch instead. We all took the subway there. it is a long ride, but easy once you get the hang of it. Stayed at a YMCA hotel in downtown Kowloon on the water and were all pleasantly surprised! Sue and Ray got to go to their first disney, get a real watch hawker experience (or20), walk along the Hong Kong harbour, and we all got to see the rare pink dolphins on a nice cruise around Lantau island. Paul and I had a day to ourselves to see the Po-lin monastery of Lantau, and a night to ourselves to do the temple street market. Jessi climbed for 1/2 hour on an indoor climbing wall and loved it (yes, we are thrilled). We swam in the pool, ate barbque for 2 evenings while looking out on the harbour and letting the kids play in the playground, and saw the legendary hong kong fireworks. Amazing.

And on their last day, we saw temples. Hmm.. Confusious and Boa-an temples. We'll go back at night one day, as there were some good candles and lovely golden sculptures that I'd like to see at night. We've missed them.

Halloween was great. I helped with both classrooms, but neither of the kids' teachers wanted much help. We had great parties, walked about tienmu in search of candy, and finally ended up at the American AIT compound for a beautifully traditional american halloween.

I spent my birthday morning in starbucks in anticiapation of going to a hot springs resort and was thrilled with the company and the function of the hot springs. It drizzled rain and felt a bit like Seattle in September. Jessi and I made me a cake, Vicky made a beautiful clay happy birthday work, and Paul took me out for US prime beef at Ruths Chris.

Oh, and Jessi had her first conference. She presented her portfolio for us. We talked to her teachers, set some goals and were home 2 hours later...

Paul is still working a lot. He's trying to work out a bit and finding his own little groove at work.

Funny enough, he insists that he will NOT wear a skirt for the scottish ball!

Sam is the boy of a million words. He is very much a little brick. Very energetic, jumps like a kangaroo. He is absolutely loving vicky and has given up his binky! My fault really. I lost Jessi's favorite blanket on the way to Hong Kong and brought a binky with holes in it for Sam on the same trip. Jessi seems to have let go of her blanky completely and has dropped thumb sucking mostly. Sam would still like his binky on the really tired difficult nights. What else about Sam? He is determined and friendly. He's decided every child in the park is his friend, can tell us that they are his shao peng you (little friend), his di-di (little brother), ge-ge( big brother), or his mei-mei. Jessi is the only big sister (jie-jie). He has some great friends in school and two lovely teachers. He dances everywhere, is trying really hard to skip, and seems like he would love to do some kung fu or hip-hop, but nothing is available to him until he is 3 years (san sui) old. He even makes friends with the shop owners on our walks home. Last week, we met Ahkee, who was 82 years old, had 8 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren, and had been an amah for American expats for FORTY FIVE years. She was reminiscing about collecting water from the streams on the mountains when she had children and watching taipei become this booming place. She obviously thought it could get cleaner, but was thrilled with how far they've come in 45 years. It is amazing to think about how young this island is and how many indiginous tribes are still trying hard to keep themselves indiginous!

We've a report from Gretchen that velvet is hanging out on the ocean beaches mooing and leaping. She stops to look at any child like noises, but sounds extremely happy and well cared for , which is SO what she deserves. I'm tickled that she has such a good place to be, but ooh I miss her being completely.

We're still happy, but do so miss everyone,

Peace and Love,

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